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Eso'ayA Wemic Bard played by Cayzle in "Adventures In Celmnos"
Here is the continuing story of the Adventures in Celmnos, as experienced by Eso'ay.
- Log 001 - Introductions -- in which our heros are well met, and a quest is chosen.
- Log 002 - Departure and a Heavy Thud -- in which we set out and are set upon by a large Ogre.
Strength 12 1-7 [20] open doors, 4% bend bars Intelligence 14 +4 prof slots, 60% learn spells, max 9 spells per level Wisdom 13 -- Dexterity 15 -1 defense adjustment Constitution 11 75% system shock, 80% resurrection Charisma 16 8 henchmen, +4 loyalty, +5 reaction
Wemic Bard XP Accumulated: 0 Level 1 Next Level Goal: 1,250 Alignment: Neutral Good AC: 4 (base AC6 + shield + dex) Female Hit Points: 9 Height: 6' 2"; Weight: 620 lbs Base Movement Rate: 12" Hair: Auburn; Eyes: Golden Brown
Attack Chart
*Greatsword is a two-handed sword used in one hand by Eso'ay.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Damage Rogue 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 - Claw 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 1-4 Greatsword* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 1-10 / 3-18
Two Weapon Proficiencies: Greatsword, Wemic Fighting Style (Fight with both claws and sword; claws at -2 to hit).
1 gained per four levels, 2 total, -3 non-proficiency.
Saving Throws
Rogue 1 Adjustments Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic13 +1 Dex Rod, Staff, Wand14 Petrification, Polymorph12 Breath Weapon16 Spells and Magic15
1 2 3 Bard 1 - - -
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
- Local History (16) - Knowledgeable in stories about the land of wemics and nearby areas.
- Musical Instrument (15) - Accomplished with use of lyre.
- Singing (17) - Accomplished with song.
- Hunting (12) - Able to stalk prey -- if successful, hunter surprises target.
- Survival (14) - Can live in the wilds of the land of wemics and nearby areas.
- Artistic Ability -Music (13) - Create musical compositions; gives +1 to Musical Instrument and Singing rolls (included above).
- Dream Reading (13) - Offers vague insights into the near future based on dreams -- treat as Astrology, but based on Wis.
- Spellcraft (12) - Familiar with the different forms and rites of spellcasting.
- Tumbling (15) - Increase AC by 4 if not attacking; +2 to hit in unarmed combat, decrease falling damage with a successful check.
- Wemic - Mother language.
- Common - A second language, Fraweol speaks with a distinctive accent.
Bardic Powers
- Running: 50% base + 3% add = 53%
- Read Emotion and Motivation: 5% base + 10% add = 15%
- Move Silently: 10% base + 10% no armor + 4% add = 24%
- Detect Noise: 20% + 10% race + 3% add = 33%
- Influence Reactions (save vs. paralyzation or reaction shifted)
- Inspire and Rally Friends (in two rounds, not three)
- Recall and Memorize: 5% (max percent TBD)
- Counter Magical Sound Attacks
- Cast Spells starting at Second Level
Special Abilities
- Natural base AC 6.
- 5 extra hit points at first level.
- Leap up 10 feet or across 30 feet fram a standing start -- up to 50 feet across with a running start.
- Large in size -- can use large weapons in one hand.
- Paw attacks -- two in each round in addition to normal weapon attacks.
- Class revisions: Wemic Bards gain some powers (see above) and lose others (Pick Pockets, Climb Walls, Read Scrolls, Read Languages, Magic Item ID, Followers, etc).
- Wemic Bards must remain unencumbered.
- Limited spell access.
- Inhuman form -- no boots can be worn; armor is quite scarce, appearance is striking.
- Large in size -- weapon damage against large opponents is used.
Special Items and Wealth
- 55 gp
Item Weight (lb.) greatsword 15 dagger 1 medium shield 10 lyre 3 custom backpack for lyre 2 extra strings 0.1 scabbard - waterskin 1 spell components 0.1 rations 5 comb 0.1 hair beads - clothes - belt - large belt pouch 1 - soap 0.1 - flint, steel, tinder 0.1 - brush and comb 0.1 Total Weight Carried (max 45 allowed) 38.6 (Move 12 at 12 Strength)
Eso'ay is pronounced like "EE-soh-ay" -- with a short glottal stop before the "a."
Eso'ay is a slender, willowy Wemic, but that still leaves her large by human standards. Her thick hair is auburn with red highlights, as is the final tuft of fur on her tail; her body fur is a tawny reddish brown. As with all Wemics of her land, Eso'ay wears distinctive and beautiful beads in her hair. To other Wemics, these reveal her as a Bard and a daughter of a Bard.
Eso'ay is still young, and retains the qualities that mark a young Wemic: she is quick, playful, curious, adventurous, and fearless. At the same time, she has a strong sense of justice and fairness -- these serve her well as a Bard when called on to settle disputes.
Imagine a flat, mostly treeless terrain, under a huge open sky. This place is harsh in climate, because if it were an easy land, soft humans would arrive with their plows and their roads and their cities. Perhaps it is tundra, and vast herds of caribou or reindeer run there. Or perhaps it is dry, like the American West or the Saharan Sahel, and it is bison or antelope who travel from watering hole to watering hole. In this kind of a land -- a hard, marginal land, unsuited for agriculture -- there live a handful of scattered Wemic prides, who hunt the great herd beasts.
Eso'ay grew up as the daughter of a Wemic Bard, which means that she has spent her life wandering. Her mother, Mozeoo, travelled from pride to pride, bringing news, offering arbitration, teaching children, and singing the great tales of her people.
Eso'ay's earliest memory, as a yearling cub, is of wearily running alongside her mother at night on a long journey. Her left foreleg cramps, and she stumbles. "Sweet girl," Mozeo says, as she rubs the leg, "if you push yourself too hard, there is always a price to pay." She lifts Eso'ay on her back, and they fly, mother and daughter alone, under the stars.
From her mother Eso'ay learned the secrets of bardic lore: the epics, sagas, and histories; the disciplines of perfect memory; the mysteries of magic; the nuances of music, song, and the lyre; the ways of living off the land, moving soundlessly close to prey, and then leaping to the kill.
But Mozeoo was proud, and not always as diplomatic as perhaps a Bard should be. For example, she was once called to arbitrate a dispute between two powerful Wemics, an ill-tempered priest and a friendly pride chief. She ruled fairly against the priest, named Siheow, but in doing so she criticized his foul personality, which had in large measure inspired the dispute. Annoyed with the priest's disrespect, she told Siheow that his temper was as sour as a vat of urine after three days' use tanning hide, and that his nasty expression could make female Wemics abort their cubs! The priest accused her of partiality, and was her enemy thereafter.
As do many Wemic Bards, Mozeoo had a familiar, a sparrow. The songbird often accompanied Mozeoo in creating music. Once, while singing and dancing a traditional fertility song, which is only performed as it is raining, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and instantly killed the sparrow. Eso'ay leapt to her mother's side, and caught her as she collapsed. Mozeoo died in her arms.
Eso'ay doesn't think it a coincidence she and Mozeoo were visiting Siheow's pride at the time, and her anger is a crab that still bites at her gut.
But other Wemics took these events as an evil omen, and began to shun Eso'ay. The story spread, and Eso'ay found herself subject to odd looks and cold shoulders. Fellow Bards and old friends did not have this response, but they agreed that maybe it would be better for Eso'ay to seek adventure beyond Wemic lands for a time.
Eso'ay's people are not total strangers to the wide world. Wandering Wemics sometimes travel far away, and return with tales of strange lands. And the Wemics also know that humans live in travelling distance because merchants visit from time to time to trade for fur. The Wemics are eager for this trade, primarily because it gives them access to metal weapons. Eso'ay was glad to find work as a guard and entertainer for a merchant train that has brought her to human lands.