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Zeoll, Chosen of Domi
Zeoll is a liontaur bard/druid/seer in a Woldian game originally called "The Taur Isles," but since renamed "The Chosen of Domi." He is a member of a party of liontaurs, centaurs, and minotaurs devoted to ending war among the taur races and teaching that all taurs are the children of Domi, the protector god of the brave. Zeoll is diplomatic and friendly, and prefers negotiation to battle, but there is a dark side to him springing from the slaughter of his family, the years he has spent in the afterlife, and the invasion (now repulsed) of his mind by the god of disease.
Jerry, the founder of the Wold, invited me to play in the Taur Isles campaign in the fall of 2000. Originally, the game was intended to include only minotaurs and centaurs, but Jerry saw my site and thought a liontaur would fit in perfectly. Since then, other players have joined as liontaurs, and the race has become an important part of the Wold.
Character Details
- Name: Zeoll (pronounced "zee-oal") His full name is "Zeoll, Student to Shaman Frith, Warrior to Pride Nonowla, Son to Clan Aene, and Chosen of Domi." If he is feeling particularly melancholy, he might say "Warrior to Pride Nonowla That Is No More."
- Player: Cayzle
- Campaign: Chosen of Domi
- Classes: Druid/Bard/Seer
- Race: Liontaur
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25
- Height: 7 feet
- Weight: 605 lbs
- Appearance: Zeoll's mane is auburn, his fur is tawny, and his skin is light brown. His features are fair, and his voice is mellifluous. He wears leather armor; he carries a greatsword in a back scabbard and a rod in a scabbard at his side. A living vine of leaves and berries wreathes though his mane, and dark lenses hide his eyes. Beads and feathers braided in his hair signify his family descent, clan, and priest status; the beads click when he shakes his head. A small leather pouch hangs on a string around his neck.
- Personality: When he was younger, Zeoll never spoke poorly of anyone. He remains diplomatic and friendly, but the bleaker experiences of his life have sharpened his tongue and given him a bit of a dark streak. On the plus side, he is less stiff, more relaxed, and quicker to laugh, joke, and play tricks. He is intensely loyal, but seldom trusts non-taur people -- at least not at first.
Character Sheets and Links
Character Sheets:
- Zeoll's current PC Sheet (as of 7 Feb 08).
- An early third edition version of Zeoll.
- Zeoll's second edition PC Sheet, and the 2E rules for playing a 2E wemic priest.
Other Links:
- When I first started Zeoll I wrote a small fragment as an introduction to this character, Zeoll, a Wemic Priest. Events unfolded a little differently, but this gives good flavor.
- Also at that time, I put together some info from Jerry and Donna (the Taur Game DM at the time), and wrote this bit of Background Info on Wemics in the campaign and on Zeoll specifically. Warning -- this is dated.
- From the beginning of the Taur Isles game, the characters were granted a small fort. Here is lots of information (now out of date) on Hearthold Keep.
- Zeoll uses a custom Woldian Seer Prestige Class.
- The Chosen of Domi have a page in the Woldipedia.
Adventures and Tales
First Adventure: SunderQuest (DM Donna)
- Zeoll travels from Liontaur Isle on a human merchant ship towards the mainland. Thrown into the sea in a great storm, he lands on Bridge Isle, meeting the other Chosen there. The other taurs have brought with them two halves of an ancient holy relic, the Sundered Heart of Domi. Together these Taurs meet challenges of combat, magic, and wit to prove their worth and then meet their patron god, Domi. The god enchants Zeoll's sword, heals the Sundered Heart, and shows the Chosen that the new isle on which they landed will serve as a bridge among taurs. Domi gifts the party with a small manor, called Hearthold Keep, in which to protect the healed artifact. The keep steward, a true taur named Kular, shows the Chosen around the place.
- PCs: Zeoll; Flat-top, Kenisha, Holleb; Kale, Thiel, Mordengast.
- NPCs --
- Captain Parsons and his merchant ship, the Merry Mermaid. The captain has the odd habit of nicknaming each member of his crew with a name that starts with "B."
- Kular, Steward of Hearthold Keep. He is an original Taur, blending aspects of all three of the individual races into one body -- a large humanoid with a flowing mane and tail reminiscent of a Centaur, a broad face and upper body built much like a Minotaur, and the solid structuring of sinewy and powerful, tawny-furred lower body of the cat-pawed Wemic.
- Places --
- Bridge Isle is a small isle between Centaur Isle and Minotaur Isle in the Safety Channel.
- Hearthold Keep, the place Domi gave the Chosen for their home and as a place to keep safe his Healed Heart.
- Tales --
Second Adventure: Flying Purple What? (DM Donna)
- The Chosen travel to a haunted vinyard on Centaur Isle at the request of a centaur druid. The party's job is to investigate and get sacred wine production under way again. It turns out that ghosts are not the problem, but there are reports of a giant flying purple thing that has been scaring vineyard workers. As the party investigates, there are pranks played, smugglers ambushed, and, a small party of fey revealed as pranksters. The flying purple thing turns out to be a Satyr who had drunk to much purple wine. The smugglers are taken by the authorities, and the fey dealt with by the vinyard owner, who promises the party a constant supply of wine for Hearthold Keep. Later, upon arriving back home at Hearthold Keep, the group selects Kenisha as party leader.
- PCs: Zeoll, Ceira, Kalon; Flat-top, Kenisha, Leets; Kale, Thiel, Raorr.
- NPCs --
- Hollyhocks, a centaur druid and priest of Domi. He invited the Chosen to help at the vinyard.
- Silkshanks ("Silky") Surefoot, overseer of the Surefoot Family Vinyards. She is a medium-sized, matronly centaur female with a light brown hide, darker brown skin and black hair and eyes.
- Sargasso the Satyr, Ziggy the Grig, Milkpod the Sprite.
- Places --
- Clearwater Temple: the temple of Domi on Centaur Island.
- Surefoot Family Vineyards.
Third Adventure: Year of Ascension (DMs Sam, Ceil, Cayzle, Laurent, Carl)
- This long module, broken into several parts, includes: (A) The Chosen travel back to Centaur Isle, and from there through a magic portal (revealed by Satyr Sargasso) to a big city. They meet a child seer, and are falsely accused of assaulting her. The Chosen prove the charges false. Finally free to help the child seer, the Chosen are devastated by Domi's death -- and attacked by minions of Marteaus, who are driven off. (B) The next day the Chosen return home, there to find that some followers of Domi, teachers and students, crazed by his death, have holed up in the Keep with the Heart. There is no choice but to fight them and try to save some of the children. In the end, many have died, and Kular is on his deathbed. The Healed Heart is cold and grey. (C) The Chosen form a plan to restore Kular -- a healer of each Taur race working together might bring him back. They travel and bring together a centaur healer, a wemic hermit, and minotaur cleric. Together the three heal Kular, but he is still very weak. (D) The Chosen hear of an attack on Hearthold Keep planned by Cultists of a Love Goddess. They raid the cultists first and capture several leaders, defusing the attack. (E) Other cultists try to blow up the Healed Heart, but are foiled in a fight. (F) A strange portal appears, through which the party travels to the future, and sees the coming destruction of the Wold. (G) The Chosen plan to reinvigorate the Healed Heart and use it to rally their people. Following divine guidance from Kular -- possessed by the spirit of Taursus, the first Taur, the Chosen decide to travel to Plateau City, to the Temple of Light, to purify the heart and get it ready for further rituals. (H) But before the Chosen can get to the Temple, they are ambushed, and Zeoll is slain.
- PCs: Zeoll, Kalon, Ceira; Leets, Flat-top, Kenisha; Brahmah, Kale.
- NPCs --
- Rissa, a little human girl who is a seer.
- Maldreen of Marteaus, a mage/priestess.
- Minisha, Kenisha's aunt, and a centaur healer.
- Mylo, a wemic healer and hermit.
- Zakeria Goresmear, a minotaur cleric.
- Places --
- Fort Love on Minotaur Isle.
- The Wharf on Wemic Isle.
- The Green Tortoise Club in Plateau City, where Zeoll died.
- Tales --
Fourth Adventure: The Resurrection of Zeoll (DM Jim)
- Summary: After two years, Zeoll is called back from death, charged with a quest by Gargul, and suborned by Marteus.
- PCs: Zeoll
- NPCs --
- Gargul, god of life and death.
- Marteus, god of disease..
- Vargas, the archenemy of the Chosen, and henchmen.
- Places --
- The Lands of Rest.
- An unknown place in the Wold.
- Tale --
Fifth Adventure: The Map to the Black Sword, first half (DMs Jim, Kup)
- Summary: In the Float, the Chosen meet the Overlord, and are given magical passage to South Harbor. There, the party learns from a priest that their arch-nemesis, Vargas, and his group are assembling an army to attack the Taur Isles in what he terms a ‘holy war’, only it appears his unholy backer may be the god Marteaus. The party also learns that within their party there is one who may have betrayed them. As this one’s soul was returning to the Wold from the Shadowlands, it may have been intercepted and a dark promise extracted. Exactly who the enemy is and what they have learned remains that one’s secret. -- The suborned PC was Zeoll! The party struggles to return to the Taur Isles. They are attacked by wolves and bounty hunters. They delay to talk to a seer and to save an unjustly accused were-bear-centaur-witch. They are further delayed by the floods and fairies unleashed by the coming of the Fey King. They find a satyr scholar in Plateau City who tells them of a magic map. The party obtains half the map from a ghost ship. They learn that the other half of the map is in the Culverwood.
- PCs: Zeoll, Brahmah, Flat-top, Gecktar, Toros, Kanchana, Solgrin, Leets, Kale
- NPCs --
- Tash of South Harbor, a young human female with an empathy for Taurs.
- Z'Ken, an old human male, and Horatio, a younger male, leaders in Fort Arbor.
- Amada of Fort Arbor, a centaur witch greenmage werebear.
- Grith, a satyr scholar at the Star Tower.
- Places --
- South Harbor, the busy port of New Elenna.
- Fort Arbor, a village on the outskirts of the Culverwood three days walk from Troll. Guarded by a tall tree-hedge-palisade. Home to a grove of Whistal trees.
- Plateau City, capital of New Elenna.
- Songs --
- Composed and sung by Zeoll, mostly in Fort Arbor
Sixth Adventure: The Map to the Black Sword, second half (Co-DMs Bob and Carla)
- Summary: The Chosen enter the Culverwood, and meet the satyr brothers, Thadius and Thalpius. They agree to guide the Chosen in exchange for a future gift of five barrels of wine. They lead the party to Pullman's Crossing. There the Chosen find out about an auction, and they figure out that they need to buy something there. The something turns out to be the other half of Grith's map! They get to the auction, are warned that Vargas is looking for the map, and manage to win the auction for the map, beating one of Vargas's minions, by allying with a group of good NPC adventurers. The map is made whole, and it proves to be magical, showing the Taur Isles and nearby lands as they are in the moment that the map is read. The party makes its way to South Harbor, where Brahmah joins the WLA. A copy of the map is made. Then it is time to sail home to the Taur Isles, following the map.
- PCs:
- NPCs --
- NPC1:
- NPC1:
- Places --
- Place One:
- Place Two:
- Tales --
Seventh Adventure: The Island of the Mad Doctor (Co-DMs Carla and Bob)
- Summary: The Chosen are shipwrecked on an island in the Shipwreck Shoals. They find the island is home to an urbane human and scholar named Dr. Mauroth. He offers his hospitality, but drugs the party and puts pairs of Chosen in small cells. Each pair is hunted as exotic game. But in the end, hunted becomes hunters, and the party reunites. The map is stolen, though! Thank goodness a copy was made! The Chosen decide that their mission is more important than attacking the evil doctor, so they use the opportunity of a passing ship to go home.
- PCs:
- NPCs --
- NPC1:
- NPC1:
- Places --
- Place One:
- Place Two:
- Tales --
Eighth Adventure: The Search for the Black Sword (DM Donna)
- Summary: The party's copy of the magic map leads to Liontaur Isle. The Chosen learn that in years gone by, a queen unified the island and ruled with the help of a magic sword -- the Black Sword. The party comes ashore at a village, and gains a guide to the old queen's ruined palace inland. They dodge giant reptiles and bypass traps. They enter the ruined pyramid, fight mummies, and enter the chamber of the dead queen. Then they realize that Vargas and his crew have been following them, and are about to enter from behind. Quickly, the Chosen set an ambush. Using charm and trickery, two of the minions are led off, and Vargas, his cleric, and his two casters are defeated. The casters teleport away, taking Vargas's body. The party carefully takes the sword from that place, and leave.
- PCs:
- NPCs --
- NPC1:
- NPC1:
- Places --
- Place One:
- Place Two:
- Song --
Ninth Adventure: The Destruction of the Black Sword (DMs Donna, Cayzle.)
- Summary: The party journey's to Chessford, the merchant town (the only real town) on Liontaur Isle. The Black Sword is intelligent, and tries to sow trouble in the party. But in Chessford, the Chosen meet an Eye of Gargul, named Rebbe Vern. He leads a ceremony to put the sword to sleep, and the group receives a vision and poem that tells how to destroy the sword. Following the omens, the party sails to a small island that has many hot springs. They befriend the native creatures, who spit acid. These creatures put acid in a natural pool, and in this pool the sword is dissolved. In Gargul's name, the Rebbe bestows gifts of Black Pearls, and the party sets sail for home.
- PCs:
- NPCs --
- NPC1:
- NPC1:
- Places --
- Place One:
- Place Two:
- Tales --