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Old Screeds

Rockin' Robin [5 Jan 15] Tweet! Twittery tweet!

The reference above to the Jackson Five is likely lost on the great majority of people using Twitter, but that seems appropriate as this 50-plus-year-oldster finally makes his way onto social media. Yes, for years my site proudly boasted, "The only social medium here is e-mail, so click and write to me!" That plus a guest book. But that's no longer true -- as of Jan. 1, I'm tweeting daily under the handle "The Daily Wemic" with the user name @cayzle at

I had actually reserved the "cayzle" name on Twitter years ago, but I had not dipped my toes into the Twitterverse (the Twittersphere? the Tweetscape? Tweetville?) until now. But this year, mostly at the urging of my media-savvy wife, who knows more than I do about everything except wemics and D&D, I'm jumping into the social media pool. Thank you, my dear, and I'll try not to blame you if this all goes horribly wrong! :-)

And here's why I'm offering those thanks -- it's been only a few days, and already I'm finding neat stuff I would have missed! To wit:

You can't go wrong with lego wemics, I always say!

And also this: I'm not playing 5E (yet), but when I do, now I'll have rules for playing a 5E wemic! Sweet!

So here's to a social 2015, with lots of new discoveries! And let me add the obligatory, "Follow The Daily Wemic on Twitter @cayzle!"

Home | This page last modified: 5 January 2015